Are you sanitising your hands properly?

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, never has the importance of ensuring your hands are clean been so widely publicised. It has become everybody’s responsibility to regularly wash, or sanitise, their hands to slow the spread of the worst virus the World has seen since the Spanish Flu, over a century ago.
While the whole planet adjusts to dramatic but necessary lifestyle and work-life changes in what has been described as the “new normal”, the fact remains that regular hand sanitising is the most effective way of preventing spreading or contracting COVID-19.
So, the question is…do you know how to correctly and effectively wash or sanitise your hands?
Let OrcaGel help you give you a little peace-of-mind with our step-by-step guide to comprehensive hand hygiene.
You should always aim to clean your hands for 20 seconds following the steps below:
- Apply OrcaGel hand sanitiser gel
- Rub your hands together palm-to-palm until they are covered completely
- Use your left hand to rub the back of your right hand
- Then use your right hand to rub the back of your left hand
- Interlock your fingers and rub your hands together to clean in between your fingers
- Rub the back of your fingers against your palms on both hands
- Rub each thumb using the other hand
- Finally, rub the fingertips from each hand on the palm of the other

When should I clean my hands?
Now you know how to clean your hands thoroughly, below are some examples of times when you should clean your hands:
- after using the toilet or changing a nappy
- after touching animals or pets
- after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose
- before handling and/or eating food
- before and after treating a cut or wound
OrcaGel Hand Sanitiser
OrcaGel hand sanitiser products are specifically designed to keep you safe and healthy and meet necessary EN standards. Available in 8.5 fl oz/250ml and 16.9 fl oz 500ml sized bottles, they contain 70% alcohol and kill 99.9% of germs.
We are working with companies around the globe to ensure that workplaces, schools, shops, gyms – indeed any public space – have the solutions they need to adjust to the “new normal”. We are also supplying sanitiser and other PPE products to medical organisations to assist in the current pandemic. For more information on our products click here.